Saturday, September 5, 2009

Can SOA architects be young?

After vacation of three weeks (without any posts in my blog), I read an interesting article in The Enterprise Architecture Online User Group site. The article is about Experience and Enterprise Architecture. The article's title is: Can Enterprise architects be young?

The opinion of the article composer is: "So, every time that I see a young gentleman who claims to be an enterprise architect or enterprise architect expert, I simply don't believe him".

SOA is a style of Enterprise Architecture (EA). In most cases, SOA is composing only a part of enterprise architecture, especially in the long journey of transformation from older architectures.

Therefore EA considerations explained in the article are applicable to SOA too. I would paraphrase the article's conclusion and say: Every time that I see a young gentleman who claims to be a SOA architect or SOA architect expert, I simply don't believe him.

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